The Theme Focus of the Journal

The Brown Coal Bulletin is in fact a specialised journal focussing on presentation of research information, theoretical studies and other expert papers concerning the issues of coal industry (mining, treatment and utilisation of coal), reclamation and revitalisation of the environment (remedy of the ill effects of the mining activities) and the general environmental issues.

The purpose of the journal is to provide space for publishing original papers as well as for discussions concerning the issues dealt with within the above areas, nevertheless, it is also aimed at providing specialised information for wide public interested in these issues and to mediate exchange of experience and provide surveys of the present state of knowledge both from the Czech Republic and abroad.

For the purpose of implementation of objective and qualified reviews of the results of research and development, in 2008 the Research and Development Council approved the list of the reviewed journals issued in the Czech Republic that were not covered by the indicator called Impact Factor of the WoS database of the Thomson Reuters company. The above list covers 443 journals dealing with all science fields and for any journal to be included in the list multiple criteria must be complied with, which criteria include, among others, the requirements concerning publishing original scientific and specialised papers, the necessity of peer-reviews of the papers, the necessity for the papers to include foreign language abstracts, the requirements about composition of the relevant body of editors etc.

Inclusion of the Brown Coal Bulletin into this list is a major recognition of the quality of the journal and the authors of the papers will also benefit from this fact as the Research and Development Council will utilise the list for evaluation of those results of public-means-supported research and development that are published as papers in specialised journals. For more information click here.

The Brown Coal Bulletin is also included and evaluated within the system of the Index Copernicus International database.